This tool provides general information about visa eligibility for holders of passports and documents of different countries. To check visa eligibility, please choose country of your passport below. You will be provided with is information about
- exemption or requirement of obtain entry visa to enter the Kyrgyz Republic,
- available mechanism of obtaining visa.

Permanent residents of Special Administrative Regions of China, the Hong Kong and Macao, (Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR) have a 30-day visa-free regime for all types of travel documents (dip., service, ordinary).
Citizens of the Maldives have a 30-day visa-free regime for all types of travel documents.

Regime Ordinary Passport Service Passport Diplomatic passport Ordinary Passport*
You can check if you are eligible to get Kyrgyz Republic visa and other information about entry and stay regime of foreign citizens in Kyrgyz Republic in “do i need visa?” sector.
After arriving in Kyrgyz Republic, foreign country citizens, except counties, included in a list (the list of foreign countries with the indication of the terms for the release of foreign citizens and stateless persons arriving in the Kyrgyz Republic from registration at the place of their stay in authorized state bodies, as well as in hotels) are obliged to register according to the place of stay in 5 work days after the moment of entry.
You can make your online payment by credit/debit card. The card is not required to be under your name. Make sure that Your card is open to international transactions.
Please, make sure the filled information is correct. In case of any mistakes, your e-visa application will be rejected.
There is no refund in case of rejection of e-visa.
Please,avoid buying the air ticket before getting the notice of approval to you the electronic visa.
If you have any questions, please contact us by the following numbers:
Dear applicant, please read the step-by-step instructions in case the System returns Your application.
If you Your application was returned by the System, you will receive a message to your email address specified in the application about the need to make corrections, download the necessary package of documents or make a payment .
After receiving еру message, you will need to return to our official website, select the Services section-Check the status, enter the reference number and You will be redirected to the page of correction of Your application.
Lines that require corrections will be marked in red. You will need to click on the "tick" icon, make changes and click on the same icon again.
After making changes and checking the correctness of all data, you need to click the "Submit" button.

Attention! The application review period 5 working days starts from the moment of correcting all the necessary information or adding the necessary package of documents.

What is an e-Visa?

An e-Visa is an easiest way to get permit of entry into the Kyrgyz Republic. All you need to do is to complete the online application form and pay with your credit/debit card instead of applying through the Kyrgyz mission. After receiving your e-Visa confirmation through this portal, you can enter the Kyrgyz Republic during e-Visa validity period.

Who is eligible for e-Visa?

Citizens of certain countries are eligible for the e-Visa provided that they meet required criteria. To find out these criteria, go to Main Page, click on Apply for a visa button and select your Country, Type of Travel Document and Visa Type.

Do I have to obtain a visa if I do not leave the international transit area?

No. You do not have to obtain a visa if you are not going to leave the international transit area.

Can I choose the language I complete the application form in?

No, you must fill in the application form in English.

After submission I have realized that some of the information that I provided in the e-Visa application requires correction. What should I do?

The process of application consists of certain steps. In the step Preview & Confirmation you have possibility to check once again, correct and confirm your data. After making payment You cannot change your data and must create a new e-Visa application.

I have submitted first step of application and received verification email. Is there any time limit for making verification?

Yes. For security reasons verification email is valid only for 72 hour. You should make verification within 72 hours after receiving email otherwise, your application will be canceled and you will have to start a visa application once again.

Can I continue my e-Visa application if I am forced to leave it unfinished?

Yes. Just enter into the section Continue application and enter your reference number. You will proceed to the steps which you have not completed yet.

How will I know the status of my e-Visa application?

You can know the status of your e-Visa application via this portal. Just enter the section Check status and enter your reference number. You will proceed to Application Status page where you can get information about status of your e-Visa application.

I completed my application but haven't received any confirmation from you. Did you get my application?

Please, check 'spam' and 'junk' folders as well. If this does not help, you should submit a new application and indicate different email address.

What does the CVV/CVC/CVC2 number mean?

CCVV/CVC/CVC2 for Visa and MasterCard is the final three digits of the number printed on the signature strip on the back of your card.

How much is a visa fee?

Visa fee depends on visa category, type and period.

How do I pay for my application?

After final checking and confirmation of your application you will proceed to payment step and make payment via standard electronic payment system.

Should the card be under my name?

No. The card does not have to be under your name.

Can I get an invoice?

We cannot provide an invoice for your payment. Once a successful payment has been made you will receive a payment confirmation email to the email address used for your application. The payment confirmation email will state the amount paid and application details.

If my e-Visa application is denied, will my payment be refunded?

No. e-Visa fee is not refundable.

I have realized that some information on my e-Visa does not match the information on my travel document/passport. I know that my e-Visa is invalid. Can I get a refund?

No. The applicant is responsible for any mistakes made in his/her application.

Can I get a refund if I do not use my e-Visa?

No. Visa fee is not refundable.

What kind of Documentation I need to apply for e-Visa?

You will need valid travel Document/Passport, Photo and Credit/debit card. You need to have scanned images of your Document/Passport and digital photo to attach them to your electronic application according to the visa type.

On which language should I present documentation?

All documentation should be presented in Kyrgyz or Russian languages or translated to these languages.

What are the requirements to my travel document/passport?

Your travel document must meet the following criteria:
-Its validity shall extend at least for 6 months after the validity period of requested Kyrgyz visa
-Document should include not less then 2 free pages.
-Should not be damaged and should not include unofficial remarks.


What is the difference between validity period and Duration of stay?

Understanding the difference between the visa validity period and duration of stay is important. Validity period of a visa is generally longer than its duration. The validity establishes the first and last dates during which the visa can be used. The visa expires on the last day of its validity. Duration of stay indicates the length of time you have permission to remain in Kyrgyzstan within the validity period of the visa.

I have accidentally deleted the mail with reference number of my e-Visa application. What should I do?

Please, contact the support desk for this matter:

About visa types and categories

Diplomatic visa (type "D") is issued to a foreign citizen - the holder of a diplomatic passport entering the Kyrgyz Republic on official business.
Diplomatic visa is issued to:
- heads of foreign states, governments, family members of the said persons following him, as well as members of foreign official delegations - a visa for up to 30 days, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Kyrgyz Republic or in accordance with the principle of reciprocity
- a person holding a diplomatic or consular position in a diplomatic mission or consular institution of a foreign state, an official of a representative office of an international organization in the Kyrgyz Republic enjoying immunities and privileges in the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as members of his family (spouse, dependent children and parents) enjoying diplomatic privileges and immunities, - visa for a period of up to 1 year, unless otherwise provided by an international agreement of the Kyrgyz Republic or in accordance with the principle of reciprocity
- to a foreign diplomatic courier - a visa for up to 90 days, unless otherwise provided by an international agreement of the Kyrgyz Republic or in accordance with the principle of reciprocity.

Official visa (type "O")  is issued to a foreign citizen-the owner of a service/official passport entering the Kyrgyz Republic on official business.
Official visa is issued to:
- a foreign citizen entering at the invitation of the state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic on official business - a visa for up to 90 days 
- a member of the administrative, technical and service personnel of the diplomatic mission and consular institution of a foreign state in the Kyrgyz Republic or an employee of the representative office of an international organization in the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as members of his family (spouse, children and parents who are dependent) - a visa for up to 1 year, unless otherwise provided by an international agreement Of the Kyrgyz Republic or in accordance with the principle of reciprocity 
- a foreign courier carrying diplomatic mail, if he does not have a diplomatic passport - a visa for up to 90 days, unless otherwise provided by an international agreement of the Kyrgyz Republic or in accordance with the principle of reciprocity.

Invest visa (type "I") is issued to an investor or the head of a foreign investment company engaged in investment activities in the Kyrgyz Republic and who has submitted the necessary supporting documents certifying the contribution to the economy of the Kyrgyz Republic, its monetary and material values equivalent to the amount of 10 (ten) million soms intended for production, industrial, agricultural, banking, energy, educational, medical, engineering and construction purposes, as well as information and communication technologies, - visa for up to 3 years.

Special work visa (type "SW")  is issued to an applicant for whom, in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of external migration, a different procedure for carrying out work activities is provided without obtaining a work permit, as well as to employees of charitable foundations, for up to 60 days.
A special work visa (type "SW") is issued by the DCS, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or foreign institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic on the basis of a certificate from an authorized state body in the field of migration or accreditation (for journalists and correspondents) or on the basis of an appeal from state bodies (for employees of charitable foundations implementing projects on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic), but not more than 1 year.

Study visa (type "S") is issued to an applicant entering the Kyrgyz Republic for training - for up to 90 days. A study visa (type "S") is issued on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic for a period of up to 1 year in the case of studying in educational organizations registered on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Driver visa (type "T") is issued to foreign citizens entering the Kyrgyz Republic by truck for international cargo transportation.
A driver visa is issued for a period of up to 6 months, with the condition that the applicant stays on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic for no more than 30 days per trip, unless otherwise established by an international agreement of the Kyrgyz Republic or on the principles of reciprocity.

Special guest visa (type "SG") is issued to an applicant entering the Kyrgyz Republic for various business or private purposes, on behalf of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic or the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic for a period not exceeding 1 year.

Relatives visa (type "RL") is issued to the applicant for up to 1 year, in case of visiting close relatives or family reunification.
If necessary, an exit/entry single-entry Tuugandar visa (type "RL") is issued to a person recognized as a refugee, in the presence of supporting documents, in coordination with the national security authorities for up to 60 days.

Visa to ethnic kyrgyz (type "M") is issued to ethnic Kyrgyz, with the possibility of subsequent obtaining the status of "kairylman", as well as to persons born on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic or the Kyrgyz SSR, to visit or return to the Kyrgyz Republic for up to 1 year.
If necessary, a person with the status of "kairylman", in coordination with the authorized state body of the Kyrgyz Republic in charge of national security issues (hereinafter referred to as the national security body), is issued an exit / entry meken visa (type "M") for up to 1 year.

Religion (type "R") is issued to a missionary intending to visit the Kyrgyz Republic through cooperation with religious organizations, subject to a permit issued by the authorized state body for religious affairs for up to 60 days.

Foreigner's family visa (type "FF") is issued to family members of the applicant (spouse, children under 18, parents of minor children, as well as children with disabilities and dependent parents) staying in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic with service (type "O"), investment (type "|"), special labor (type "SW"), relatives visa (type "RL"), educational (type "S"), as well as on the basis of Uniform permit (ER) and residence permit or registration at the place of stay (in relation to citizens of states, which are subject to a visa-free stay on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic), or the status of kayrylman for up to 1 year, without the right to work or individual entrepreneurial activity, as well as other actions related to profit-making on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Transit visa (type "TR") is issued to an applicant following transit through the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic to third countries for a period of validity of up to 5 days. 

Leave visa (type "L") is issued to the applicant for departure from the Kyrgyz Republic, taking into account the completion of the overdue period of stay, for a period of validity of up to 10 days. 

Digital nomad (type "DN") is issued by the DCS to a foreign citizen or a stateless person engaged in activities in the field of information and communication technologies and engaged in the development of software products, at the request of the authorized state body for the implementation of state policy in the field of digitalization and electronic management or the owner of the status  "Digital nomad" for up to 6 months. 

Sapar visa (type "J") for up to 90 days can be issued to an applicant intending to visit the Kyrgyz Republic for tourism purposes, with various private purposes, including visiting friends, receiving medical services, as well as for business purposes: to participate in negotiations, conferences and meetings, sports events organized by government agencies and local governments, international organizations and legal entities.
Based on a motivated request of the state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic and/or state enterprises, economic companies with state participation in the authorized capital, the applicant is issued a Sapar visa (type "J") for up to 6 months.

The Uniform permit - is a document that includes information about a work visa, a permit to attract foreign labor, and a work permit, issued by authorized state authority in the field of foreign affairs to a foreign worker electronically, and containing a special scannable QR code.